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Student sitting and working on computer.

No matter when you join our family, we’re here to help you feel at home.

If you’ve completed at least 12 credit hours while enrolled in a degree program at another college or university, you’re considered a transfer student.

If you’ve taken college classes without enrolling in a degree program, or will have less than 12 credits when you plan to enroll, you should apply as a first-year student.

Ready to learn more? Our dedicated student team is here to help.

Four students sitting outside on steps.

转移 Student Requirements

If you enrolled in an institution of higher education as a full-time student after graduating from secondary school and received graded credit in academic coursework, please apply as a transfer student.

Learn more about requirements
Student sitting and working on computer.

Application Checklist

If you are intending to apply to Syracuse University as a transfer student, use this checklist to complete your application.

Review the checklist
Two students sitting outside and talking.


Learn how we work to make your Syracuse University education affordable.

Explore cost and aid
Aerial view of campus in the fall.


Visit us in-person or virtually, where we're committed to helping you experience our campus, people and undeniable spirit for yourself.



联络我们: 或打电话 315.443.3611.

Undergraduate Majors and Minors

Choose from more than 200 majors and over 100 minors and embrace the interdisciplinary nature of our academic options.

Office of New Student Programs

The Office of New Student Programs is devoted to helping you make a successful and fulfilling transition to our University. Learn more about their resources.

How Will Your Courses 转移?

Use the 转移 Evaluation Self-Service (TESS) to see how your courses from a selection of other institutions may apply to your intended degree program.